It is the most important preparation in China – biological immunoregulator developed in the scientific research institute of corporation “Fohow”. It is used just as oral liquid “Phoenix”.
Net content: 4 bottles 30ml each
“Phoenix”. “Sanbao” has a much better effect in the cases of hepatitis B and C, rheumatoid polyarthritis, diabetes.
Oral liquid “Sanbao” is developed on the basis of the oral liquid “Phoenix”, having added the newest industrial substance, – Mountain ant, Polyrhachis vicina (Pv Roger) extract. In every bottle of the final product there is approximately 300-307 of ant extract. When producing the preparation, ants were inactivated by freezing, and besides, in order to split the cell membranes, subnanometric technologies and crioextraction was used, this enabled to use up to 98% of the valuable initial substance (Mountain ants).
Biologically active food supplement oral liquid “Sanbao” is similar in its content to oral liquid “Phoenix”, but Cordyceps concentration in it is larger and reaches 80%. The preparation, unlike oral liquid “Phoenix”, is characterized by a better expectoration effect, reduces bronchial obstruction and improves blood circulation in the respiratory system and lower pelvis organs, normalizes the function of the urogenital system organs, regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
The main components:
Chinese Cordyceps – 80%,
Linchzhi – 8.0%,
Mountain ant extract, Shiitake, Himalaya honey.
Expiration date:
18 months since the production date
Storing conditions: store in a dark and dry place, keep an open bottle in a dark and cool place
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