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Nutritional tablets Fohow Gaoqian (Fohow Gaoqian)


A group of specialists from Healthy nutrition products Scientific research institute that belongs to “Fohow” corporation subsidiary company “Ju De”, following the traditional Chinese theory about nutrition and life cherishing, have developed an excellent high quality product “Gaoqian”.

Net content: 144 tablets 0.7 grams each.

A group of specialists from Healthy nutrition products Scientific research institute that belongs to “Fohow” corporation subsidiary company “Ju De”, following the traditional Chinese theory about nutrition and life cherishing, have developed an excellent high quality product “Gaoqian”. This product combines restoring and cleaning function. It is a natural health care and supplementary nutrition product. “Gaoqian” is also recommended to people suffering from hyperlipemia, hypertonia, hyperglycemia, overweight people.

Ingredients: konjak flour, chitosan, spirulina, food fibre from different fruit and vegetables.

Expiration date: 18 months since the production date.

The main components and indications

1. Konjak. The main preventive and curing effect of Konjak is the reduction of fat, sugar and cholesterol amount in the blood, elimination of toxicosis consequences, it is used when curing malignant tumors, to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract. It is distinguished for an excellent effect for overweight people and for those suffering from constipation. It is a preventive and additional curing measure in the cases of tumorous intestine, digestive tract and other organs’ diseases. Konjak is exceptionally rich in unique nutritious components. According to the research data 100 grams of Konjak tuber contains up to 50 grams of Konjak glucomanan (KGM); it also contains glucose, fructose, cane-sugar. The research of recent years has revealed that Konjak glukomanan, that is found in Konjak, effectively reduces the amount of sugar for the people suffering from diabetes. In the moist environment Konjak swells up (more than 30 times!), this is why when using tablets with Konjak, one experiences the feeling of being full, the time of food staying in the stomach is extended.

2. Chitosan – is the only natural kind of polysaccharides of alkaline nature, that determines its important physiological functions. When chitosan enters the human body it remains there practically unabsorbed. For this reason it is attributed to one of the food fiber kinds. Chitosan also regulates and improves the work of the digestive tract, acts as a regenerating and preventive measure for the gastric mucous membrane. Chitosan helps to strengthen the immune system, suppresses the growth of cancer cells, lowers the blood pressure, reduces the amount of sugar and lipid in the blood. It actively carries out the toxin and heavy metal elimination function. Fat and heavy metals together with Chitosan are excreted through the intestine from the inside of the organism. It helps to prevent obesity, cardiovascular and brain blood-vessel diseases.

3. Fiber cellular tissue – is large molecule cellulose. It, just like Chitosan, occupies more space in the digestive tract, this is why it creates the feeling of being full, decreases an appetite, helps to lose weight. When using it with your meals, it stimulates intestine peristalsis, digestive juices secretion, is suitable for the prevention of diabetes and constipation. It helps to acquire a jell form in the intestine from the soluble cellulose, that slows down the assimilation of sugar in the intestine, also considerably reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. The abundant fiber cellular tissue helps the micro flora of the large intestine to produce lots of vitamins, also helps to excrete pathogenic toxins through the digestive tract.

4. Spirulina. A natural well known green weed. Spirulina is a champion of amino acids, vitamins and micro elements concentration among ecologically clean products. The organism’s assimilation of this weed is 95% (as it does not have cells with strong molecule walls). Among all natural products Spirulina contains the biggest amount of protein – 65%! According to WHO data Spirulina protects the human organism from almost two thirds of diseases. Besides, this valuable weed has a very rare for vegetable products element – phytocianine, which stimulates metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Our food ingredients are not balanced. Cellular hunger is more and more observable, which is usually followed by obesity, a person usually gets a lot of calories, but lacks nutritious elements. Weed, especially micro weed, is very important for our health, because it provides our organism with valuable and vital elements. Besides, it is a low-calorie product. It is the product that eliminates the most serious health problems of our times.

As after entering the organism fiber cell tissue starts sucking moisture, expanding and swelling, it enlarges the volume of the intestine. This process helps to soften the excrement mass and ensures more favorable conditions for it to excrete more easily and quickly. At the same time these processes stimulate the intestine peristalsis, reduce stasis and the possibility to assimilate toxins in the intestine. Also Chitosan’s ability to attach toxins and heavy metals is added, which provides a possibility to excrete toxins and heavy metals, and moisten the intestine. It strengthens the treatment effect in the cases of constipation and haemorrhoids.

Recently, as the general living standard has improved, food is becoming more refined. There is a trend to use less nutritious fiber in our meals. High-calorie food, containing lots of protein, fat and carbohydrate, promotes obesity, diabetes, heart-diseases, hypertonia, and other diseases in large numbers. These facts have attracted scientists’ attention and there appeared nutritious tablets “Gaoqian” in the nutrition practice. When providing a person’s organism with sufficient nutrition, this product also helps to excrete lots of harmful substances, toxins and fat surplus.

“Regeneration” and “Cleaning”- two functions in one product!


To lose weight: up to 8 tablets twice a day half an hour before a meal; wash down with not less than a glass of warm water.

As preventive measure: half an hour before a meal (e.g. before eating fat food): up to 4 tablets twice a day.

Note: often a positive result is achieved when using smaller amounts of the product, this is why one can start with smaller doses.

Usage course – not shorter than 2 weeks. Under the necessity, the course can be considerably extended.

Nutritional tablets „Gaoqian”

(Fohow Gaoqian)

This product combines regenerating and cleaning functions, it is extremely valuable for the nutrition, favorable for the longevity. It is produced with the help of modern production technologies. Nutritional tablets „Gaoqian” satisfy the necessary nutrition needs for the human organism.

When using tablets „Gaoqian“, fibre cellular tissue cleans the intestines in the following way: packages up the harmful fat and removes from the body, improves the assimilation of sugar, this is why the possibilies to enjoy delicacies and consume tasty (but not always useful) food are extended, while keeping your body in a healthy condition. This product is indespensable nutrition supplenent for stout and suffering from obesity people, as well as for those having the „3 hypersyndroms“ hypertonia, hyperglicemia, hyperlipidemia.

Konjak flour – is a low calorie traditional nutrition product, containing lots of fiber. It is also a unique pharmaceutical vegetable product. Konjak has acquired an honorable name of the digestive tract “Doctor – cleaner”, “Divine medicine sent from heaven”. The main function of Konjak – is the reduction of sugar, fat and cholesterol amount in the blood, inhibition of the bacteria growth, stimulation of the humoral liquid secretion, blood stasis elimination. It has an excellent influence on overweight people, constipation, heart and blood diseases; it is a preventive and additional measure for intestine, gullet, cerebral cancer diseases, and other cases. It is extremely rich in unique nutritious components. According to the research data, 100 grams of Konjak tube contains 50 grams of Konjak glucomanan, it also contains glucose, fructose, cane-sugar. The research of recent years has shown that the Konjak glucomanan (KGM) is characterized by excellent sugar reducing function for the patients suffering from diabetes. As the molecules of the product substance are quite big and very cloggy, so it facilitates sugar assimilation, reduces sugar amount right after a meal and in this way reduces the strain on the pancreas. As Konjak is able to reduce the amount of triglyceride (T g) and cholesterol in the blood in general, so overweight people and suffering from hypertonia can experience an excellent effect.

Konjak preventive value

The prevention of the increase of sugar amount in the blood. According to the research, Konjak reduces the amount of glucose and insulin after a meal much more effectively than guaro kamede or galactomanan multisaccharid. Also the research has revealed that when using Konjak in small doses, the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood is reduced. Adults, suffering from diabetes, who used 3.2- 7.2g of Konjak glukomanan regularly for 90 days, on the 20th day of usage experienced reduced amounts of cholesterol by 11.2%, sugar in the blood (on the empty stomach) by 29%.

The research (glucose tolerance test) has revealed that healthy people, who used 2.6g of Konjak glucomanan daily at their meals, experienced reduced amounts of sugar in the blood by 7.3%, and insulin concentration in the serum by 13%.

It slows down the cholesterol synthesis, stimulates the metabolism bile acid.

It extends the time of food in the stomach. When using Konjak there appears a feeling of fullness and full stomach, pH (acidity) is reduced. Sugar assimilation is reduced, so the insulin consumption is reduced. It has a positive effect on the patients suffering from diabetes.

It improves the functions of the intestine. The way Konjak extract powder works in the digestive tract is similar to other nutritional fibre. It stimulates the intestine peristalsis, but slows it down when the stomach is empty. When Konjak nutritional products – Konjak glukomanan – the powder extracted from Konjak – enter the digestive tract, despite the reduced secretion volume, the diversity of intestine microflora is increased. The product, while stimulating the decomposition of short chain fat acid, changes the view of intestine micro flora in a very short time: stimulates the reproduction and multiplication of bifid bacteria and other positive micro flora at a very quick pace. Also the acidity in the intestine is increased, the effect of different pathogenic (harmful) is decreased, the production of toxins is reduced, the defense against cancer cells influence and attacks is produced. So one can obviously see the preventive effect against the rectum cancer, ethereal and other diseases.

Nutritional products from Konjak dissolve the harmful substances in the stomach and intestine, enhance the intestine control possibilities, increase the speed of digestion and of food movement through the digestive tract. This is why the powder extracted from Konjak provides an excellent possibility to treat for constipation, excrete toxins, helps to improve the skin condition and color. Because of that it is also called a “cleaner”.

It reduces the amount of triglycerides. According to the research, Konjak glocomanan gel can significantly reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood serum. The powder extracted from Konjak, when absorbing cholesterol, tribarbitur acid, heavy metal salt and food coloring ferments, does not allow assimilate the previously mentioned substances and excretes them from the organism. It is useful for the human health. In this way the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood is reduced.

It does not participate in the energy production. The powder extracted from Konjak does not provide the human body with energy. Moreover it forms a protective coat for the food, which protects food from the impact of the digestive ferments. When the fat and substances carrying the fat are resolving, Konjak food products gradually swell up, and it creates the feeling of being full quickly and for a long time.

It influences significantly blood regulation.

Chitosan – is food fiber of animal origin, characterized by positive electric charge (cationic). Chitosan – is the only natural kind of polysaccharides of alkaline nature, which determines its important physiological functions. A lot of nutritionists’ organizations from the USA and Europe in 1991 named chitosan as “the sixth vital element” that follows protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals and is essential to the human health.

When chitosan enters the human body it remains there practically indigestible, that is demonstrated by the excrement mass analysis. For this reason it is attributed to one of the food fiber kinds. Apart from its own food fiber characteristics, chitosan also regulates and improves the work of the digestive tract, acts as a regenerating and preventive measure for the gastric mucous membrane.

Chitosan helps to strengthen the immune system, slows down the growth of cancer cells, lowers blood pressure, reduces the amount of fat in the blood. It actively carries out the toxin elimination function, excretes effectively pesticides, chemical colorants and other harmful substances that pollute the organism.

Chitosan is also able to create durable compounds with heavy metal salts (ions).

Chitosan also reacts with fat acids and creates durable compounds, and such complex compounds can suck out fat substances from the inside of the organism. Because of that the human organism is not able to assimilate chitosan. In this way fat and heavy metals are excreted from the organism. It helps to prevent obesity, cardiovascular, brain blood-vessel and other diseases.

Chitosan has a strong affinity to nutritional colorant substances. According to the research nitrogen colorant creates durable compounds with chitosan inside the organism. They become indigestible and are excreted from the organism together with chitosan. Besides, chitosan can be used as a chewing gum because it has enamel whitening qualities.

Fiber cellular tissue – it is an extract from the plant cell walls. It is large molecule cellulose – of lighter weight but larger volume. It occupies more space in the digestive tract, this is why it creates the feeling of being full, decreases an appetite, intensifies the impact of diets and weight losing procedures.

When using it at your meals, it stimulates intestine peristalsis, digestive juices secretion, is suitable for the prevention of diabetes and constipation.

It helps to acquire a jell form in the intestine from the soluble cellulose, that slows down the assimilation of sugar in the intestine, at the same time stimulates glucose metabolism. It helps to increase the number of insulin receptor compounds on the monocyte cells, and because of that the organism’s need for the insulin is reduced.

It considerably reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. 

The abundant fiber cellular tissue helps the micro flora of the large intestine to produce lots of vitamins, also helps to excrete pathogenic toxins through the digestive tract.

Spirulina. A natural well known green weed. It is one of the richest in nutritious elements health-food products.

It contains up to 60-70% high quality protein, it is low in fat and carbohydrate (sugar). It is an excellent product for the regenerating diet, an ideal product for the rehabilitation after diabetes.

It contains fat eliminating gama-linolen acid, which fights obesity and improves fat circulation. It acts as a preventive measure against thrombus formation, effectively fights with cardiovascular diseases, cerebral diseases, helps to lose weight.

It contains alkaline substances – chlorophyll and other elements having detoxifying effect. It regulates the alkaline balance in the stomach, saves the digestive tract if there are symptoms of gastric ulcers. According to the scientific research, if pH increases by 0.1% in the organism, the need for insulin increases even by 75%.

It has 8 unsynthesizible in the organism amino acids, many micro elements, relieves tiredness, stimulates the work of cerebral cells, strengthens the immune system.

It contains super oxidissmutase (SOD) and other nutritious antioxidant components, which maintain healthy condition of the skin. Slow down the destructive impact of free radicals on the cells; acts as a preventive measure against aging processes and chronic diseases.

Differentiated protein- is an extract from natural vegetable components. It mostly resembles the structure of the protein synthesized in the organism. It a natural, easily assimilated vegetable protein. A research has revealed that when the amount of the differentiated protein reaches or exceeds 25% of a person’s monthly ration, already in a 3 weeks’ period patients suffering from hyperlipidemia (increased amount of fat and cholesterol in the blood) experience a drop of fat and cholesterol amounts in the blood by 17-25%.

The main effect of Nutritious tablets “Gaoqian”:

They reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Konjak and fiber cellular tissue, after entering the digestive tract, just like a sponge absorb water and turn into a jell like substance. In this way the viscosity of the food is increased. The feeling of being full is created, the amount of sugar is reduced, the increase of sugar amount right after a meal is prevented. Besides, when the fiber cell tissue swells up because of the water, there appears a “separating layer” on the mucous membrane of the small intestine, which inhibits the assimilation of glucose in the intestine. The glucose that was not assimilated is excreted from the intestine. Besides, fiber cell tissue increases the sensitivity of insulin, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, when the amount of sugar is reduced, there appears a possibility to decrease the need of the organism for the insulin. Also, the excellent qualities of spirulina protein, small amounts of sugar and fat in the blood make this product an ideal option when there are some indications of diabetes.

It reduces the amount of fat in the blood. Cholesterol is a kind of blood fat. It increases the danger to get a heart disease and stone development. When fiber cell tissue enters an organism it reduces the assimilation of cholesterol in the intestine, stimulates the assimilation of bile, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and in this way protects fro heart-disease and stone development.

It reduces the feeling of hunger, helps to lose weight. When Konjak kamede and fiber cell tissue start swelling in the stomach, it fills and expands the stomach and intestine, create the feeling of being full and slow down the food consumption process. It partly helps to restrict fat and sugar assimilation, stimulates the fat consumption by the organism. In this way it helps the people who suffer from diabetes and are overweight to control the feelings of hunger and appetite, and lose weight.

It moistens the intestine, improves the intestine passage, helps to excrete toxins. After having entered the organism the fiber cell tissue starts sucking moisture, expanding and swelling, it enlarges the volume of the intestine. This process helps to soften the excrement mass and ensures the favorable conditions to evacuate more easily and quickly. At the same time these processes stimulate the intestine peristalsis, reduce stasis and the possibility to assimilate toxins in the intestine. Also Chitosan’s ability to attach toxins and heavy metals is added, which provides a possibility to excrete toxins and heavy metals, and moisten the intestine. It strengthens the treatment effect in the cases of constipation and haemorrhoids.

In recent years, as the general living standard has improved, food is becoming more refined. There is a trend to use less nutritious fiber in our meals. High-calorie food, containing lots of protein, fat and carbohydrate, promotes obesity, diabetes, heart-diseases, hypertonia, and other diseases in large numbers. These facts attracted scientists’ attention, as a result of these historical phenomena, there appeared nutritious tablets “Gaoqian” in the nutrition practice. When providing a person’s organism with sufficient nutrition, this product also helps to excrete lots of harmful substances, toxins and fat surplus. “Regeneration” and “Cleaning”- two functions in one product, it is exactly what a modern person needs.

It is recommended for the overweight people, people suffering from three “hyper” (hypertonia, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia); for those who wish to keep fit, for people suffering from chronic constipation,etc.


To lose weight: up to 8 tablets in the daytime and evening before a meal, wash down with warm water.

As preventive measure: up to 4 tablets in the daytime and evening half an hour before a meal, wash down with warm water.

Usage course – 90 days

Nutritious tablets “Goaqian” – for the improved quality of your life.

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